Voici les 11 résultats

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Andrea Nicole Virka Low Sideboard


Black and oak low sideboard with geometrical black frame.
Create a simple expression in your interior design scheme with the Woud Virka Low Sideboard Black & Oak.


Jane Lauren Carson Chair

£120.00 £100.00
Note 4.50 sur 5

Black and white dogtooth pattern lounge chair from Eichholtz.
A classic chair with relaxed laid back style which will make everyday lounging a stylish affair.


Jane Lauren Cesare Chair

£1,000.00 £900.00
Note 3.00 sur 5

Light lounge chair with gunmetal legs. Take inspiration from classic Chesterfield furnishings with the Eichholtz Cesare Chair. Luxuriously created by designer furniture experts, the sophisticated proportions of this light upholstered lounge chair exude designer appeal. Inspired by the tufted upholstery of Chesterfield armchairs,


Juliet Rowley Arm Studded 2 Seater Sofa

£165.00 £140.00

Eucalyptus wood 2 seater sofa with oak legs and linen blend upholstery and stud detailing. Bring a new dimension to your living room interior space with the Sloped Arm Studded 2 Seater Sofa.

Olivia Eyewear Modular Sofa Collection


XVL module sofa collection with Black Medley polyester melange yarn upholstery.
Create your own bespoke furniture arrangement with the XVL Madonna Modular Sofa Collection.

Olivia Eyewear Centre Module


Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.